Apparently the original Sin Cara likes to botch interviews as well. He recently spoke to the Mexican Lucha Libre claiming that he owns the rights to the Sin Cara character.

“I am the owner of the persona of Sin Cara. I say it openly because it’s all on my side, in my favor. I think that it’s best left to lawyers because I am the owner of the persona I am the owner of the [character’s] image and I have proof.”

History has show that it’s extremely uncommon for WWE to allow wrestlers to own the rights to their name and or gimmick. The hosts of the show even called him out on this to which he responded:

“That depends on how the wrestler work their deals. I’m not here to talk bad about anyone. I’ve always been a person that goes the route of peace. I’m not going to fight with anyone or any company. I’m not saying that because I’m scared to fight a big company. No, Why would I? Everyone knows that the original Mistico went on to be [the original] Sin Cara in the WWE. So that we would not have any legal issues with CMLL, I automatically changed my name and my persona and continued on with my registered persona.”

If nothing else this should be a very entertaining legal battle to watch.