Moose Says He Doesn’t Like The Way Eli Drake Carries His Business


Impact Wrestling is home to many exciting stars in the pro wrestling world. Moose is just one of the outstanding members of the Impact Wrestling roster and he shares a locker room full of impressive ability

During a recent teleconference with Moose, Riju from Sportskeeda asked Moose about one of the guys he works with in Impact Wrestling who has found himself on top of the company: Eli Drake.

“I have nothing bad to say about Eli Drake. Nothing bad at all. I think he deserves everything he’s getting. I’ve also said before, in interviews, and podcasts and stuff that I’ve done in the past that Eli Drake is one of the guys who needed the bright lights to show the world that he could be a top guy in this business.”

“Now that he’s gained the opportunity, let’s see what he does with it. I think, in my opinion, he’s one of the best guys on the mic. I’m happy for him. Do I like the way he goes about winning his matches and the way he carries his business? No. But, to each his own, I guess.”

Just because Eli Drake is currently enjoying a nice run on the top doesn’t mean everyone has to like it. But the point is it’s been pretty effective for Eli Drake.

Moose also revealed who he would put on his own “Pro Wrestling Mount Rushmore.”

“That’s tough. I think I saw a picture on the internet the other day, and it’ll probably be the same four guys in the picture. If I’m not mistaken, Ric Flair, Austin, Hogan and who was the last one…maybe The Rock? But honestly, it’s tough. It all depends on what you’re basing it on. Are you basing it on who made the most money? Are you basing it on who had the most successful run?”

“You know, it’s hard with wrestling because it’s entertainment. It all depends on what you’re basing it on. So to answer that question, it’s very impossible. It’ll just be my four best wrestlers, my four favorite wrestlers.”

It’s interesting to note none of those guys are really Impact Wrestling guys although Flair and Hogan did spend some time in TNA back in the day.


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