mojo rawley

We are very interested to see what WWE is going to do with Mojo Rawley following Zack Ryder’s tragic and outrageously ill-timed injury. The Hype Bros quickly evaporated and Mojo was left all alone to fend for himself. Since then he’s seemed to adopt a less-hyped, more focused attitude and even changed his ring attire.

On the other hand, Curt Hawkins is a name who also used to be associated with Zack Ryder as a tandem. Unfortunately, since his return to the WWE, he reminds us more of someone who is just recycling the Matt Hardy 2.0 “Matt Facts” gimmick, but that’s okay because Matt Hardy is doing just fine being broken. Therefore it did have that sense of connection to it, which was cool. This Elimination Chamber kickoff show contest came straight from the Island of Misfit Ryder partners.

Hawkins is much better than his position on the card seems to indicate, he’s a great storyteller and could do so much better than just the kickoff show match (just want to get that out of the way first off). Curt started off by trying to cower in the corner a little which put Mojo over as someone he didn’t want to mess with. Then the heel tactics took over as Hawkins hit him with a right hand, but Rawley shook it off with a massive no sell, hulked up in his own unique way, and started crushing Hawkins with clotheslines.

They ended up outside of the ring and Mojo Rawley crushed Hawkins’ chest on the ring apron, but Curt got the upper hand and Mojo found himself barely beating a 10-count.

Hawkins grounded Mojo and slowed down the hyper Rawley with a headlock until Rawley rallied and got to his feet only to be sent to the mat with a short clothesline from Hawkins.

Curt started hitting Mojo Rawley with his fist, but Rawley shook off each one of the punches as he looked like he was channelling The Ultimate Warrior. Mojo slammed Hawkins to the mat and got a close two-count.

Hawkins hit Mojo with a downward spiral looking maneuver and got a two-count. These guys looked like they were about to go home in the match. Hawkins hit Rawley with an enziguri and got a two-count.

Hawkins beckoned Mojo to his feet and went running toward Mojo, but Rawley threw Hawkins in the corner and leveled him with a stiff shot. Mojo hit the devastating slam and got the win.

Related: First Look At The New WWE Elimination Chamber Revealed