Mick Foley Undergoes Another Surgery, Rey Mysterio Update


Mick Foley is the Hardcore Legend but he did a ton of damage to his body through the years and needs to focus on fixing some things at this point. He just got off of a hip surgery in April, but it looks like he’s going under the knife again.

The Mickster recently tweeted out a picture of himself in a hospital bed but he seemed to be in pretty high spirits. He said he was due for a right knee replacement and the procedure was going to start about five minutes after he sent out the social media update.

Hopefully, things go smoothly for Mick and we get some good news after he “kicks out” of anesthesia. It would also be great if Mick Foley didn’t need any more surgeries any time soon.

His hip was doing better, or at least he was well enough to take part in that controversial spot at an OTT Wrestling show in Dublin Ireland where he took a bump thanks to Joey Ryan’s infamous YouPorn Plex.


If you’d like to see Rey Mysterio back in the ring it seems like it might take some clever maneuvering. After all, reports are WWE and GFW have passed on having the world-famous Lucha Libre star come in to their companies.

PW Insider reports Rey Mysterio is going to focus on training his son Dominic for a career as a pro wrestler. You might remember Dominic from the angle Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero took part in thirteen years ago where the two fought over who was his father.

But Dominic is older now and the twenty-year-old son of Mysterio is looking to follow in the family profession. If he can get the right training, who knows how far his star will rise in the pro wrestling business? With the kind of contacts he’s sure to have we might be hearing from him again very soon.


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