Mick Foley Says Triple H Does Not Hate Him


Mick Foley and Triple H helped make each other famous during The Attitude Era. They had countless matches together where they pushed each other to the next level and eventually they pushed each other into a heated feud where they were both fighting for the WWE Championship. Despite the fact that both men shared such legendary moments together, some rumors have circulated over the years claiming that Triple H doesn’t think much of Mick Foley.

Mick Foley’s son, Mickey Foley recently did a live stream where he suggested that Triple H doesn’t like his father and now the rumors are a topic of conversation once again. Mick took to Facebook to say that he and Triple H share a bond and that despite what some people think, Triple H doesn’t hate him. He posted the following:


Despite what you may have heard, I really don’t believe Triple H dislikes me, as my son Mickey implied on his live stream – from which point the story took on a life of its own. Keep in mind, that my son Mickey is on the autism spectrum and while he is a bright and beautiful child, he doesn’t always speak with the same type of filter that most of us naturally have – and as a result, he is much more likely to say exactly what comes into his mind.

Sure, it created something of an awkward position for me – but nothing that is said or done will ever take away from the bond Triple H and I share; the bond of great matches as we were moving up the card in 1997 and 1998, and when we were on top of the card, on top of the cell – and figuratively, on top of the world in 2000. Rumors will come and go. But memories like the ones Triple H and I created will last a lifetime.”


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