Mick Foley Says The Sky Is The Limit For Seth Rollins


Mick Foley wrote the following on his Facebook last night about Seth Rollins’ performance:

“ROLLINS WAS REMARKABLE! What an amazing performance by Seth Rollins tonight on WWE Monday Night Raw. While Rollins was often the overlooked member of the SHIELD, he can steal any show onany given night, and following the brutality of the beating he took last night at #HIAC, his ability to come back just one night later with a performance like this is nothing short of remarkable.

“While many of you were not happy with the conclusion of last night’s Cell match – or tonight’s #CenavsRollins match, it should not in any way take away from the gutsy performances Rollins turned in on both night’s. Handled correctly, the sky is the limit for this guy.”

Foley also praised Goldust after WWE Hell In a Cell on Sunday:

“I think JBL said it best during last night’s #HellInACell PPV when Jerry Lawler mentioned that Goldust was moving as well as he had 15 years earlier. “As well?”, JBL asked. “I think he’s moving even better.” I think so too.

“Several months ago, I wrote a post, asking if Goldust might just have one last run in him. I think he’s answered that question, and exceeded everyone’s expectations for what a veteran of his age, with as much wear and tear on his body could reasonably expect to accomplish. In fact, I find his comeback, and the level he’s worked at for the past year – along with his ability to bring brother Cody into his bizarre world, to form one of the most enjoyable teams on the scene, to be inspiring and noteworthy.”


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