Mick Foley has two new posts on his Facebook page where he praises Damien Sandow and the team of Goldust & Stardust. Here’s what he wrote:

“I think it’s about time you guys out there give me my props. Did I, or did I not predict that the first waves of #SandowMania would be crashing down upon your shores at any moment? I will grant you that those first waves took a little longer to crash down upon you then I had thought. But brother, here they are! There is no denying that Sandow has taken whatever was given to him and done his very best with it – sometimes falling, but never failing to put his very best effort into everything that came his way. And, now, with Damien Mizdow, he has come up with a character that has become must see TV on WWE Monday Night Raw.”

“I think it’s only natural to overlook the contributions Dustin Runnels, as Goldust has made to #WWE since his return last year. At that time, after participating in one of the matches of the year with his brother Cody, I wrote a post, wondering if Dustin just might have one more run left in him. What a run it has been! While it is impossible to capture the emotion that fueled that first big comeback match on PPV, Dustin has been consistently excellent since his return, and his character had provided the needed spark for his brother Cody to become a genuine Superstar in WWE. Well done!”