Mick Foley Reacts To The Miz’s Promo On Talking Smack

the miz

Tuesday night on Talking Smack Daniel Bryan and The Miz had a heated exchange, and Miz let loose on Daniel Bryan. After Bryan told Miz that he wrestles like a coward, Miz told Bryan that he’s the coward for not getting back in the ring. Bryan told him he would get back in the ring if WWE would let him, then Bryan walked off the set as Miz continued.

Everybody’s talking about the segment including WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley. Mick praised The Miz for his promo on Talking Smack and he posted the following on his Facebook page:

THE NIGHT THE MIZ RAN WILD: The Miz is rightfully the talk of the wrestling world after his career best promo on #TalkingSmack last night. Take a look and tell me what you think. To me, it was so powerful that halfway through, I realized I could never make the Miz the butt of a joke again. Not only would it not be funny, but I would lose credibility by trying to mine the wrong source for laughs. The Miz has slowly, but steadily become one of the best IC champions the #WWE has seen in a long time. Last night, he stated his case in a more abrupt way; eloquent, angry and completely believable.

If you missed the promo that everybody is talking about, you can check it out in the clip below.

The Miz completely loses it in the face of GM Daniel Bryan: WWE Talking Smack, Aug. 23. 2016


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