mick foley

A WWE Championship win can take a wrestler’s career to the next level, but there have been many greats over the years that have never managed to win the big one. During his run as Cesaro in WWE, Claudio Castagnoli made a big impression on the fans and some people felt that he should have won a major championship.

While speaking at Comic Con Northern Ireland 2024 (via Monopoly Events) Mick Foley talked about his experience winning the WWE Championship, and he also explained why he thinks Claudio should have been given a run.

“I held the title three times for a total of 42 days — like I was the transitional champion. I’m glad I had it, but I don’t think I’d be thinking of my career as any lesser if I’d never held it, ” Foley said. “Cesaro should have been given a run with the title that’s because Cesaro reminded me of like the old school Jack Brisco, Dory Funk, traveling champion who could literally have a good match with anyone.” 

Do you agree with Mick Foley? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.