Apparently, we haven’t heard the last of the storied battle for the Broken Universe gimmick. There are several sides to this story but in the end, fans all over agree it would be best if Matt Hardy was allowed to own the property he created in Impact Wrestling.
Dutch Mantel might be better known to WWE fans as Zeb Colter. He is now in a very important role in Impact Wrestling. Their new slogan is “make Impact great again” and they’re trying their best.
Zeb recently reached out to fans and asked for their comments. He promised to listen to fan ideas because they are the ultimate judges of what Impact Wrestling does.
This is a very dangerous question to ask a bunch of pro wrestling fans, to say the least. It’s especially dangerous considering the fact there are more than a few fans who are currently disappointed with Impact and Anthem Sports for holding the Hardy’s Broken Universe Gimmick hostage.
One fan had the guts to come right at Dutch Mantel with his reply. He said Impact and Anthem should come to an agreement with Matt and Reby Hardy. He tactfully brought up the fact that it would ultimately benefit both parties.
Matt Hardy saw this and jumped right on it. We expect this kind of thing from Matt at this point because he is obviously invested in this battle. But let’s be honest, whether he gets the gimmick back or not, he’s still doing just fine in WWE.
Nobody can disagree it would be excellent to see Matt and Jeff return to their Broken characters under the WWE banner. WWE’s merchandising and production machine behind the Broken Universe would make big money.
Matt said Anthem and Impact had the chance to do the right thing and he still holds out hope they will come through in the end. He ended up saying he still “adores” most of the people in Impact.
It is true, you can’t judge an entire company on a few bad apples. But when those bad apples seem to control the whole tree it can get difficult.
That is quite a brutal shot, Matt Hardy took. Saying that he adores most people in the company and that he hopes they do the right thing. I mean, BURN!