Matt Hardy On Surprising The Fans At WrestleMania 33


The Hardys are in a very different position right now compared to where they were one year ago. Jeff is currently getting ready to return from injury, and Matt is finally using a version of his Broken Matt character in WWE.

But this time last year the brothers were in a battle with Impact Wrestling over the rights to the Broken Universe, and everyone was wondering whether or not they would be returning to WWE.

Ultimately they did return to WWE, and they surprised the fans when they entered the ladder match for the Raw Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania 33.

Matt Hardy worked hard to keep their return a secret, and he even tweeted a photo of his family at the airport and claimed they were leaving the Orlando area hours before the Show of Shows.

The Master of Deletion recently spoke to Sky Sports about their big return, and he said that it was a very humbling moment.

“It was quite overwhelming and quite flattering, to be honest with you,” he said. “It was quite incredible because it had truly been kept a secret up to that point. We had literally just arrived at the building right before we were due to walk down the ramp to the ring, and the adrenaline of being snuck into the building and going up to gorilla (position) and then walking down that ramp was very, very special. … Anything is difficult to keep a secret in this day and age, as far as professional wrestling goes. Access to information is insane today. You can’t tell anyone anything if you want something to be kept a secret these days. There was only a very small circle of people who knew and we really worked hard to make it a special moment and a true surprise.”

What will happen with The Hardys at WrestleMania this year remains to be seen, as fans are currently waiting for Matt to unleash The Ultimate Deletion on the world, and Jeff will hopefully be returning sooner than later.


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