Matt Hardy Hypes Up The Hardy Boyz Reunion In TNA


Matt Hardy tweeted the following about returning on this week’s TNA Impact Wrestling tapings in New York City:

“SO excited to team w/ Jeff for @IMPACTWRESTLING for 3 days. Friday is already SOLD OUT! Get tix for Wed/Thur NOW. Don’t miss The Hardy Boyz!”

“Don’t be left out, get your @IMPACTWRESTLING tix NOW for the events on Wed & Thurs. Matt & Jeff Hardy are gonna go Godzilla & tear NYC down!”

“FTR, The Hardyz were only advertised on @IMPACTWRESTLING TV 4 the Fri #TNANYC event, which is SOLD OUT. @TNADixie, you’re welcome, DARLING!”

Dixie replied:

“Don’t start with me!!!!!!”

Hardy wrote back:

“I’m not, just prepping u by being real. I look forward to seeing you… In front of the NYC crowd. They’ll be BRUTALLY REAL w/ ya. @TNADixie”


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