Kurt Angle Tried To Make Major Change To WrestleMania Main Event

kurt angle

Kurt Angle has had his fair share of big matches at WrestleMania, but he only main evented the Show of Shows one time when he faced off against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 19. However, Angle tried to get himself added to the main event of WrestleMania 18 the year before.

Recently the Hall of Famer explained on the Kurt Angle Show that he pitched a triple threat match to Vince McMahon two weeks before WrestleMania 18. Ultimately Vince McMahon shut the idea down after telling Angle he would think about it.

“You know what I tried to do? I called Vince two weeks before WrestleMania. I’m like, Hey, Stephanie was my manager and we had a little romance going and now she’s with Jericho. I think you should throw me in the world title match with him and Triple H and make it a triple threat. He said he’ll think about it [laughs] You know what? I don’t blame him. Probably Hunter said, no, no, I just want to focus on Chris, which is fine with me. I thought you know, that’s the way that we’re supposed to go anyway. But I got shut down.”

Vince McMahon didn’t end up adding Kurt Angle to the main event, but Angle did pick up a win over Kane at WrestleMania 18. Triple H also picked up a big win when he defeated Chris Jericho to become the WWE Undisputed Champion in the main event.

H/T Inside The Ropes