brock lesnar

Brock Lesnar’s ascension to the top of WWE was impressive to say the least, as he wasted no time carving out a spot for himself in the main event scene.

At WrestleMania 19 Brock Lesnar headlined the biggest show of the year for the first time in his career, and he defeated Kurt Angle to become WWE Champion.

The match certainly lived up to the hype, but one of the things that people remember most about the main event is Brock Lesnar’s shooting star press botch. During an appearance on the Wrestling Perspective podcast Kurt Angle talked about what was going through his head when Brock botched the move, and he noted that he was worried Brock wouldn’t be able to get up.

“The first thing I thought when he landed on his head, I said, ‘S**t! I’m gonna have to hold the title for another month.’ The reason why I lost to him, I was supposed to have a good title run for a while and I broke my neck again and I had to have surgery.

“With Brock, I thought, ‘God, he’s not gonna be able to get up.’ I covered him for a pin and I’m like, ‘Please kick out, you have to kick out, Brock. Please don’t get pinned.’ I didn’t want to keep the title. He kicked out and I said, ‘Can you get up?’ He said, ‘I don’t know.’ I said, ‘Well try to get up.’ I actually pulled him up, I got him up and I said, ‘Can you F5 me right now?’ He said yes and he got me up, F5’ed me and that was it.”