King Barrett Talks About Possibly Turning Face And More


King Barrett recently spoke to The Independent about WWE’s UK tour and more. During the interview Barrett talked a little bit about his thoughts on possibly going face. You can check out the full interview here and see what he had to say below.

With the exception of when you perform in Britain, you’ve portrayed a ‘heel’ character throughout your entire WWE career. Have you ever had ambitions to establish a more likeable persona on screen?

For the most part I excel as being the bad guy, and that’s definitely a strong point for me. There was a period about a year ago when I was performing as Bad News Barrett that I felt that the company should have turned me into the good guy kind of role because I think the fans were wanting that at that time.

I suggested it, but the powers that be made the decision that they didn’t want me to do that, instead they wanted me to continue as the bad guy. That decision was made at the time, but I feel that at the moment it’s not the right time for me to be a fan favourite because I’m universally hated. Maybe one day it will change, but I’m currently quite happy being the bad guy.


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