Kevin Owens Thinks WWE Needs To Bring The Brand Split Back


Current WWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens recently spoke to Planeta Wrestling to promote WWE’s upcoming tour of Spain. During the interview he talked about wanting to face The Undertaker, WWE possibly bringing back the brand split and more. You can listen to the full interview above and read some highlights below.

Wanting to wrestle The Undertaker:

“If the chance came to face The Undertaker at any point, whether it’s WrestleMania, Raw or live event in Texas, whatever, I’d jump at the opportunity. Obviously The Undertaker is such a huge name, and Wrestlemania is the place for him. I would love to wrestle him, I’ve said in other interviews before that if I could pick one dream opponent, it would be the Undertaker. Wrestling anyone at Wrestlemania is going to be special, but Wrestlemania is synonymous with The Undertaker. Just because it didn’t happen this year doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen next year. All I have to do is do my part to stay as important as I can on WWE television and be as big of a star as I can, and hopefully things will work out my way for next year and I’ll face The Undertaker then.”

If he thinks WWE should bring the brand split back:

“Yeah, I think so. I think shake things up a bit and make for some very interesting situations and interesting match-ups that would create a different feel. That is not to say that eventually if the brand split were to happen, a couple of years down the line, mixing the rosters back up together would be interesting as well. I like when things get shaken up, I like when unexpected things happen. I feel like a brand split would be a bit of a chaotic situation, but I like chaos. I find chaos interesting and exciting.”


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