Kevin Owens Reveals Which WWE Stars He Pitched Forming A Tag Team With

kevin owens

Kevin Owens has found a lot of success on the WWE main roster, and over the last few years he’s managed to win championship gold as a singles competitor, but Owens hasn’t spent much time working as a tag team wrestler.

Even though Kevin Owens hasn’t made a run for WWE tag team gold, it seems that he’s got a list of potential partners in mind, and it’s impressive.

Owens recently participated in a media call, and Alex McCarthy of talkSPORT took to Twitter to note that KO pitched ideas to form a tag team with AJ Styles, Mustafa Ali and Apollo Crews. It was noted that the pitches were made when he was on the same brand as the aforementioned wrestlers.

Daniel Bryan and Sami Zayn, who KO has worked with quite a bit in the past, were also mentioned as potential partners.

If you could see Kevin Owens team up with any wrestler in WWE who would it be? Sound off in the comments below.


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