UFC Legend and former WWE Superstar took part recently in an interview with the WNS Podcast to discuss a number of topics including his current relationship with WWE. You can download the interview by clicking here, or check it out on Stitcher or iTunes. You can also read a few highlights below:

Which is more physically demanding, MMA or pro wrestling:

There’s no question in my mind that my stint in the World Wrestling Federation was a lot tougher on me than my stint in MMA. That’s not to say that going in to a fight is not tough on you because it is. But I was good. I mean I felt at home in that ring. I didn’t sustain too many damages when I was actually fighting. Most of mone came in training. I really believed with my experience that it was a lot tougher on me having to get up day to day and go out there and take 10, 15, 20 bumps seven, eight or ten days in a row. It was tough. And the having to get on a plane and travel to the next town. So, it was a lot more grueling than I think most people realize.

Bonds that were made backstage during his WWE run:

I actually traveled a lot with Steve Blackman. Traveled a lot woth Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. Really I think I got along with everybody pretty much. There were a few that we just didn’t quite mesh but the majority of them I got along with everybody

His relationship with WWE:

We’re not on speaking terms because I’ve reached out several times and never got a response. At one time, it went to Shane McMahon a few years back to kind of find out where I stood but never got a response back. Shane said they’re not really there yet with using me I don’t know why. I’m sure he got something but it was something he didn’t want to tell me. So I didn’t want to pressure him. I didn’t want to put him in the middle of it. I’ve seen some guys go back who have done some pretty horroble things like leave WWF and go to WCW and they atill came back. The fact is some of them are probably running the company and they jumped to WCW. So, I’m not sure what I did but no one’s told me. I think a majority of the fans want to see me back and if that’s the case then why ain’t I coming back