Karl Anderson And Luke Gallows Are The New Raw Tag Team Champions


Ever since The Club debuted on the WWE main roster they have had one trouble after another in regards to missed booking opportunities and underutilization. They finally find themselves in a spot on Raw where they are battling for the tag-team championships, but Cesaro and Sheamus won’t give up their titles without a fight.

Although the Royal Rumble pay-per-view is going to be nearly four hours long, the Royal Rumble match will take up a bulk of that time. Some great match-ups needed to be given away for free, therefore this match was somehow delegated to the kick-off show.

Cesaro came out in a gold suit, which really matches well against Sheamus’ complexion. There are two referees assigned to this bout due to the controversy which surrounded the last time these two teams met on Raw. The Club were pretty over and got a rather nice reaction from this crowd as they filed in to fill up the Alamodome.

Cesaro and Anderson started this match with Cesaro hitting Karl with a dropkick as soon as the bell rang. Cesaro hit Anderson with a gutwrench suplex and got a quick pin attempt. Sheamus hit Karl Anderson with a battering ram over the top rope and the tag team champs hit Anderson with a punishing double-team move.

Anderson kicked Cesaro in the jaw and pulled him over to his corner where he got a tag off to Luke Gallows. Cesaro put Gallows on his back with a springboard uppercut and got a tag to Sheamus. The tag champs hit Luke with a double suplex but couldn’t get the pin.

Cesaro and Sheamus started tagging in and out frequently as they applied more pressure on Gallows. Luke countered with a big backdrop to Cesaro and followed it up with a headbutt. Cesaro attempted a comeback, but Gallows hit Cesaro with a big boot. The former Festus turned around and gave a similar boot to Sheamus who was standing on the apron cheering his partner on.

Cesaro mounted a comeback by blocking a suplex from Gallows and turned it into one of his own. Cesaro rolled over and got the tag to the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus hit Gallows the 10 beats of the Bodran, and followed it up with a top rope clothesline on Gallows for a close two-count.

Cesaro and Sheamus hit Luke with a double team maneuver and got another close two-count. Cesaro attempted to set Gallows up for the swing but Gallows blocked it and got the tag to Anderson.

Cesaro attempted a Neutralizer but Anderson countered, the Swiss Superman then hit the Machine Gun with a Swiss-1-9 and got a close two count. Anderson and Cesaro traded uppercuts and Anderson planted Cesaro to the mat with a spinebuster. His spinebusters are amazing.

The challengers looked like they were setting up for the Magic Killer. Sheamus broke it up but ended up accidentally hitting one of the referees with the brogue kick. Cesaro pulled off a Cesaro Swing on Anderson and followed it up with a sharpshooter. Gallows rushed in and kicked Cesaro off of his partner.

The four men fought on and Sheamus ended up taking a Magic Killer from the Club, Sheamus was put outside and Cesaro was rolled up for the three count. The Club win.

New WWE Tag Team Champions: The Club




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