
Kane might be the Big Red Machine, but as you all know by now he’s also the Big Red Politician. Although he’s not going to be “Red” if he’s a politician because that would have communist connotations. Then, I guess he could be The Devil’s Favorite Politician? Sure, that works.

Anyway, Kane is running for Mayor of Knox County Tennessee and although he came back to WWE for now, it is likely going to be a short stint because he plans on having a new job once this election is over.

Raw was in Knoxville, Tennessee this week and it was a pretty cool night for Kane to perform in front of his constituents. Kane was loving every second of the free publicity and if he could have beat Finn Balor with one of his campaign signs, he probably would have. At this point, with WWE blurring the lines between kayfabe and reality so much I wonder why they don’t just make that a part of his gimmick?

Kane did have a nice little get together after Raw so he could promote his campaign though. The Devil’s Favorite Politician posted on Facebook that he was having a big happening after Raw was off the air.

“What do you do in Knoxville on a Monday Night after WWE Raw? You hang out with 500 of your closest friends until 2:00 in the morning, enjoy some great BBQ and talk about how you’re going to work together with every citizen of Knox County to make it an even better place to live, work and raise a family!”

The party lasted well into the night and it looks like everyone had a great time. It’s just excellent how quickly Kane can jump from being the remorseless masked monster to a smiling man of the people. Then again, maybe those two personas aren’t too far off when you really think about it.

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Aaron Varble hasn’t just been writing for more than a decade in various formats including sketch comedy, stand up, television, radio, and other various projects; nor is he just another professional wrestling fan with a master's degree in journalism and Tourette’s syndrome. He's always looking to explore the why not with the why and the how come along with the how. Follow on Twitter @TheVarble