Jon Moxley On His Relationship With Vince McMahon, Says Vince Is The Problem With WWE


Jon Moxley parted ways with WWE last month, and he wasted no time making his next move. Moxley made his big AEW debut at Double or Nothing last weekend, and he set his sights on Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho.

Since then Jon Moxley has been one of the most talked about stars in all of wrestling, and he’s been opening up about his reasons for leaving WWE as of late.

Moxley talked about his relationship with Vince McMahon on Wade Keller’s Pro Wrestling Podcast, and he indicated that he had a good relationship with Vince, but feels Vince is the problem with WWE.

“Vince always liked me. Even if he asked me to do something I didn’t want to do, went out, did it, and didn’t pull it off, we were cool. He has over the years like a lot of my ideas. Towards the end, especially in the last few months, I felt I was one of Vince’s guys. Looking back though, Vince is the problem. It’s a shame, I’m not trying to tear him down, I’m trying to help. I’m telling you, that’s the problem and It’s a shame. Because there is so much talent, there has never been so much talent, the pool is so talented. The resources they have, with the network, with television it should be so great. But, the one guy that screwed it up, I think is Vince.”

Triple H has stepped up in a big way when it comes to his backstage role with WWE over the years, and it’s expected that The Game could eventually take over for Vince McMahon at some point.

While talking about Triple H and Vince McMahon, Moxley noted that he thinks Triple H is the better option between the two of them.

“He has clearly been preparing for this. When Vince isn’t there, he is the guy you go to his ideas are his ideas. He is very cerebral and not super collaborative. He is a guy that thinks about things a lot. I think he is a much better option between the two of them. He would be more open to giving people more freedom. But, if he sees something and thinks there is a better way he will come and tell you. He watches television and he is the closest thing to Vince that we have.”

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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