We all know that John Cena is a pro when it comes to messing with people on Instagram. Just yesterday he posted a CM Punk related photo with no explanation and it drove the Internet crazy.

Today he’s back and doing it all over again as John Cena has posted a photo of The Undertaker on his Instagram. It was reported that Cena was originally planned to face Taker at Mania this year before he got injured. However since John Cena is John Cena, and he heals insanely fast, not everyone is convinced Cena won’t be returning for the big event.

The photo has a lot of people wondering if Cena will be challenging The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32. He posted the following:

A photo posted by John Cena (@johncena) on

Could Cena be teasing an early return and a match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32? That remains to be seen. But it’s also worth noting that a new promotional poster has been making the rounds on the Internet, and it shows Taker paired up with Cena and Roman Reigns with Triple H.

The source of the poster hasn’t been confirmed so right now it can’t be treated as legitimate. It does look good though and you can check it out below.


It’s also worth noting that during a Daytona 500 Q & A session reporter Chris Fischer asked about a possible return for WrestleMania and he didn’t rule it out. He didn’t give any type of indication that he would be there, but he didn’t rule it out.

So is John Cena returning early to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32? Well, this is John Cena we’re talking about here. He has the ability to heal faster than most super heroes so you can never count him out.