John Cena Says He Totally Embraces ‘Unexpected Cena’ Memes


John Cena has been this year’s breakout comedy star and he’s also become one of the Internet’s most popular memes. In 2015 “Unexpected Cena” memes became a huge thing. Cena recently spoke to GQ while promoting his new movie “Sisters” and he was asked about the pop culture trend. You can see what he had to say below.

“This right here is the litmus test. Because I’m kind of aware of what’s going on, and I’m fascinated with pop culture, and you can’t dictate pop culture. So when pop culture is kind enough to let you in, exploit you, and in a lot of cases make fun of you, and you’re just gonna be the vehicle to push this new gag, I totally embrace it. Whether it’s in praise or total humor, I don’t care. Just to be accepted at this point in my career, I think it’s pretty special. At the end of the day, I am overwhelmingly honored to interrupt such historic events.”

GQ also asked him if we’ll ever see new rap music from Cena in the future. Cena admitted that he’s a little out of touch when it comes to today’s hip-hop and that if he ever made new music the style would probably be different.

“That’s a young man’s game. If you’re gonna expect music, it would be a soul, R&B, rat-pack-type of thing. Maybe classic. Every once in a while I’ll listen to hip-hop, but it’s all stuff from the early ’90s and late ’90s. I’m kind of out of touch with everything. The song is definitely part of what launched me on this journey…but I think had I just kept being “the rap guy,” I think that would have been short-lived, because it’s so one-dimensional. I’ve never lost my connection to hip-hop, I just don’t know what’s popular today.”


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