John Cena Says That He Would Love To Be A Dad

john cena

John Cena and Nikki Bella have been a very hot topic as of late thanks to their high profile breakup, but recently several media outlets have reported that Cena and Nikki are back together.

TMZ recently caught up with the 16 time WWE World Champion, and he said that he and Nikki still talk all the time, and are best friends, but wouldn’t confirm one way or another if they are back together.

Cena did however say that he wants to be a dad.

“I would love to be a dad, and I realize very much that I have been steadfast in saying that I don’t want children.”

He went on to say that he’s had a change of heart, because he realizes that there’s more to life than work.

“Because I dedicated my life to my work and now I’m realizing that there is life and life exists and it’s beautiful and I think part of that is being a parent.”

When asked if he would allow his child to become a wrestler, he said that supporting the dreams of your child is what life is all about.


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