John Cena Says He’s Been Medically Cleared And He’s Ready To Return To The Ring


John Cena is known for his superman healing factor and he recently told Complex that not only is he ready to return to the ring, he’s also been medically cleared. Cena was asked how close he is to returning to the ring and he says it’s just a matter of WWE making the call.

“If you ask me today, I should’ve been back two weeks ago. I’ve logged almost 400 hours of physical therapy. I got 111 visits in 12 weeks time. I go every single second I can. People say I have a Wolverine-like style of recovery. I was given a nine month quota to come back and after three months I can tell you that I am ready to do anything asked of me possible. It’s a matter of when they call me.”

When asked if he’s been officially cleared to return Cena gave a simple one word answer saying “Yes.”

Cena also defended Roman Reigns when asked why Roman doesn’t connect with the audience. Cena said that Roman is obviously making a connection on some level because the crowds are always making noise during his segments. But Cena did acknowledge that Roman still has some work to do when it comes to finding the right persona.

“It’s just stuff. The heartbeat has to be there. If you want to go back to Roman, he is on the cusp of getting that heart truly beating. People know he is very gifted. His in-ring ability is not in question. I don’t care what any critic says. They are just being stupid. He can go. He is an athlete. I don’t really know who he is. Like I said, John Cena is easy: goody-two shoes Superman. Easy. A four-year old kid can tell you that. I don’t necessarily know the heartbeat of Roman Reigns. As soon as that first heartbeat happens, it’s going to challenge me. I’m looking forward to it.”


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