John Cena Releasing Book Of Motivational Quotes Adapted From His Twitter Account

john cena

John Cena made a name for himself in the world of professional wrestling, but over the last few years Cena has been able to broaden his horizons and expand his brand.

Fans who follow John Cena on Twitter are well aware that he constantly tweets motivational quotes, and now The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Cena will be releasing two books next year which will feature motivational quotes adapted from his Twitter account alongside illustrations.

The report notes that Cena has penned a children’s book called Do Your Best Every Day to Do Your Best Every Day (Random House Books for Young Readers, ages 8-12) and another version for readers of all ages called Be A Work in Progress (Ballantine).

“We all have a lot on our minds, especially now, given the current state of the world. Words of encouragement can help us stay motivated and focused on what’s really important, and I hope that both Do Your Best Every Day to Do Your Best Every Day and Be a Work in Progress will inspire kids and adults to be the best versions of themselves,” Cena said in a statement.

The children’s book is meant to encourage “young readers to do their part in making the world a better place,” while the book for all readers is meant to motivate people to “embrace challenges and seize and make the best of opportunities.”

The cover for Do Your Best Every Day to Do Your Best Every day along with a few panels from the inside of the book can be seen below. Both books will be released on April 6, 2021.


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