Jim Ross Thinks It Might Be A Challenge To Get Braun Strowman Over As A Heel

braun strowman

Braun Strowman truly is a force to be reckoned with on Monday Night Raw. Last week he destroyed Roman Reigns and then flipped over an ambulance, and this week he broke the ring after he hit Big Show with a superplex.

As Braun was beating Roman down last week, the fans chanted “thank you Strowman.” After the show was over everyone was talking about his big ambulance flip, and fans really seem to be enjoying Braun Strowman’s work as of late. WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross noted in his latest blog that Strowman could become a star, but it might be a challenge to get him over as a heel.

“Strowman is being positioned so strongly that it could be challenging for some defiant, younger males to get behind Strowman as a villain. What’s not to like about a big, bad man who kicks everyone’s ass and who has showed little if any ‘fear.’ I think WWE is on the trail of building a significant star with their positioning of Strowman.”

Jim Ross also had nothing but good things to say about Braun’s match with Big Show on Monday night.

“It was a stellar night for the on going talent development of Braun Strowman and his show ending presentation with The Big Show was memorable. I was impressed by how hard the two, super heavyweights worked and the live audience seemed to enjoy the imploding, ring stunt.”

If you missed the imploding ring spot from Monday night, you can check out a replay in slow motion below.

Unbelievable slow-mo video of Braun Strowman and Big Show destroying the ring: April 17, 2017



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