Jim Ross Talks About Bray Wyatt’s Return


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights from this entry on last night’s Hell In a Cell pay-per-view:

– Show vs. Rusev was fine for what it was but I received feedback from fans outside the USA who felt that Rusev represented his country as a hero which is understandable but perplexing considering that he’s cast as a villian in this production. I like the upside of Rusev as he continues to learn the heel nuances needed to be a antagonist star and he will become more valuable to WWE. I’d suggest that Lana watch/study Sherri Martel as a valet to understand better the psychology of how to master that role. Nonetheless, I like the Rusev/Lana combo and expect Mark Henry and Big Show to have a conflict sooner than later.

– Happy to see that Ambrose and Rollins got the chance to close a major event as that responsibility isn’t easy and some talents aren’t suited for the role and simply can’t handle the pressure. These two are ready for that task and they did a good job with what was laid out for them to execute. Some fans are complaining about the Bray Wyatt interference that caused Rollins to win but perhaps it will work out that was the best way to get the masses to turn on Wyatt who has been largely perceived as a “cult favorite.”

– Like all the heels on the WWE roster, Wyatt will have to learn to ‘retreat’ from time to time to add that needed element to his tool box in order to be a true villian. If villains don’t cheat, lie, b—h, moan and retreat with some degree of regularity then they are not heels.


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