Jim Ross Says Roman Reigns Should Beat The Undertaker At WrestleMania

roman reigns

Jim Ross has another blog up in which he discusses the upcoming face-off between The Undertaker and Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33. The WWE Hall of Famer is a professional wrestling veteran to say the least and his old school opinion usually leans on the side of reason.

Jim Ross says of the WrestleMania encounter between The Deadman and The Big Dog, “I’d likely put Reigns over in Orlando via cheating to gain an unfair advantage as it would facilitate Reigns leaving WM with immense heat and bragging rights to carry Roman farther down the road. That obviously set up the eventual face turn which will make Roman Reigns the huge, fan favorite, ace of the company talent that has been WWE’s focus for a long while.”

This pretty much goes on par with what we’ve been thinking around here, but the problem remains that Roman would get a cheap win over Taker at what could be his last WrestleMania, or possibly his final match ever. Big Evil is old school, and we’re sure he understands the value of going out while looking at the lights. But, is ending his career on such a sour note the way to go?

It is no secret WWE wants Roman Reigns to be the face on all the lunch boxes, backpacks, Halloween masks, and everything else so they’re probably willing to try anything at this point. If The Undertaker loses again at WrestleMania 33, it certainly won’t mean as much as it did when Brock Lesnar defeated him at WrestleMania 30, that is a fact. For all intents and purposes, they have rather squandered the heat which was given to Lensar due to breaking the streak.

Therefore, retiring the Deadman might be the only way to stick Roman Reigns with enough heat to make it matter, but it will surly be a long road back to the babyface side of the roster once they do it.

Only time will tell though, this is why WrestleMania season is so darn exciting.


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