Jim Ross is back with his latest blog where he talks about the current state of heels in wrestling and more. You can read the full thing here and read a quote below:

“Where have all the TV wrestling villains gone? Great heroes can’t be created without great villains, men and women who CHEAT TO GAIN AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. Alleged villains who working hard for the ‘pop’ and not for legit angst and heat are doing themselves, their opponents and the business a disservice. Villains should work to be ‘hated’ and not work to get their beloved, Tee shirt selling ‘pops.’ A few guys seem to ‘get it’ but no one has totally mastered the valuable albeit elusive art of being a true villain in today’s wrestling ring within the business no matter the promotion. Those that do perfect the skill of consistently being a true, bad guy will have every top fan favorite in the land wanting to work with them.”


  1. WWE won’t allow heels to use underhanded tricks, and the other feds have smark fans that respect every wrestler. Fans will only boo if you’re a real life villain.