Jim Ross recently updated the Q&A section of his website where he talked about WWE piping in crowd noise and more. You can check it out here and read some highlights below.

What is your take on WWE using fake crowd noise on the shows that are not live?

J.R.’s Answer:

“WWE has been sweetening the crowd noise for years on taped shows. It’s nothing new or novel in the entertainment business.”

Why does Vince McMahon dislike the word wrestling so much? I mean wrestling is what made him hundreds of millions of dollars, right? If WWE focused on wrestling more than the so called entertainment aspect I bet Raw would be in much better shape.

J.R.’s Answer:

“I never answer for McMahon and if you want to know you would have to ask him. I don’t know the answer to your question. Sorry”

Both the Undertaker and Triple H asked you to call their match at the WWE WrestleMania in 2012. If the Undertaker ask you again to call his final match, would you like to do it? Thanks.

J.R.’s Answer:

“That decision isn’t Taker’s or HHH’s but simply Vince McMahon’s call to make. End of story.”