Jim Ross recently updated the Q&A section of his website. You can check it out by clicking here and read a few highlights below.

Kane possibly becoming WWE Champion at Hell in a Cell:

“Gosh, I have no idea what WWE creative is or isn’t going to do. I’d say Kane being the next WWE champion is a long shot but not an impossibility.”

If Vince McMahon thinks Cesaro is boring:

“I have no idea if that rumor is even true but I love Cesaro’s game and feel that he’s underutilized.”

If WWE’s ratings are down because of NXT’s rise in popularity:

“I don’t see that as the reason that ratings are down. It’s simply a matter of giving the fans what they want to see and that comes with some trial and error plus listening to one’s audience. The ratings trend indicates that the TV viewers aren’t getting what they are looking for at this time.”


  1. Rid Seth of the championship and ratings will probably increase a little. As well as the new day… we want serious. Something we can look back on that’s why they are in the profession they are in right. To make history not childish gimmicks