Jim Cornette’s Podcast With John Arezzi Leads To A Great Revelation About Vince Russo


Jim Cornette broke into the professional wrestling business as a teenager, working down south as a photographer, ring announcer, timekeeper, magazine correspondent, and public relations correspondent. In the early 1980s, Cornette made his debut as a heel manager, a role in which he excelled for decades.

While “Corny” hasn’t been seen on WWE programming in years, he has reinvented himself as a podcaster on the MLW Network. No matter the topic at hand, Jim Cornette is entertaining, as he never holds back how he really feels.

One of Cornette’s least favorite people for the last two decades has been Vince Russo. While talking with former wrestling promoter John Arezzi on episode 169 of The Jim Cornette Experience, the two take a trip down memory lane while talking about various people who they had both worked with. One name that comes up is Cornette’s former fan club president Andrew Goldberger. Turns out that Goldberger introduced Russo to Arezzi, thus breaking Russo — then just an owner of some video stores on Long Island — into the wrestling business. Cornette then realizes that he played a role in getting Vince Russo into wrestling and then sounds like he is about to hyperventilate.

That episode can be found here. The magic starts around 1 hour 27 minutes in — within the last few minutes of the show — following some stories related to Bruno Sammartino, Ric Flair, The Midnight Express and the New Kids On The Block.



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