Jeff Hardy Brings Back Face Paint At WWE Live Event

jeff hardy

Jeff Hardy is a man of many looks, and over the years he’s been known to paint his face from time to time. Fans who have been watching Impact Wrestling over the past few years have seen Jeff rock face paint quite a few times, but it’s been a while since WWE fans have seen Jeff do such a thing.

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The Hardy Boyz may no longer be the Raw Tag Team Champions, but they’re still fighting side by side, and on Friday the brothers were in action at the WWE live event in Roanoake. The Hardys took on Sheamus and Cesaro, but it wasn’t the match fans were talking about.

Jeff Hardy brought back his face paint at the live event, and fans were happy to see it return.

Hardy also rocked the look once again in Huntington.

Could we be seeing the face paint make a return to Raw on Monday?

On this week’s episode of Still Real Radio we’re talking about Samoa Joe’s performance in his big Universal Championship match with Brock Lesnar, as well as all the highlights from WWE Great Balls of Fire. We also run down what could be next for The Hardys, AJ Styles’ big WWE United States Championship win and more. You can subscribe to Still Real Radio on iTunes and check out the latest episode below.



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