Jake “The Snake” Roberts is a hot topic in the professional wrestling community at the moment thanks to his AEW Dynamite debut on Wednesday, and he recently joined former AEW World Champion Chris Jericho on Talk Is Jericho.

During the episode Jake shared an interesting story about Vince McMahon’s reaction to him going to the gym, and he revealed that Vince threatened to fine him.

“And at the time of the surgery, I could lift, like, 4 lbs. with my left arm and that was it. I could hardly move my left arm at all. And somehow, within 10 weeks, I had I was doing seated behind the neck presses with 225 [lbs.] and I gained a lot of size. Here’s the best part though. I gained, like, 40 lbs., man, in three months, so I went into to see Vince to tell him I was coming back and he almost took a bump out of his chair when he saw me. [Imitating McMahon] ‘what the hell’s wrong with you?'”

“[McMahon] looked at me and he goes, ‘Jake, what the hell have you done to yourself?’ I said, ‘my God, I’m in the best shape of my f–king life! I mean, look at this s–t!’ I had big knobs up here on my shoulder and s–t. He said, ‘if we wanted Hogan to carry the snake, we’d have Hogan carry the snake!’ He said, ‘we wanted some slimy, no-good son of a b—h to carry the snake, you know, a guy that looks like he [has] been run through the mill and a little nasty and dirty, a flesh eating bastard.’ He told me, he said, ‘if I find out that you’re in a gym, I’m fining you $1,000 every time.'”

While making his AEW debut this week, Roberts hyped up that his client is coming for Cody Rhodes, but he declined to reveal who his client is.

Stay tuned for updates regarding plans for Jake Roberts in AEW.

H/T Wrestling Inc.