Jake Roberts Reveals How He Really Feels About Vince McMahon


The Hannibal TV recently released another clip from their interview with Jake “The Snake” Roberts and this time around Jake was asked to give his honest opinion of Vince McMahon. You can see what he had to say below and you can also watch him say it in the clip above.

“Brilliant, brilliant. The hardest working motherf****r I know. Like him or not, it doesn’t matter. He’s the hardest working son of a b***h I know. He’s done a lot for this business, he’s done a lot of things that hurt this business. But for somebody in his position he’s done pretty f***ing good.”

In another clip from the interview Jake Roberts also talked about fellow WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Roberts said that he was really pushing for Steve Austin backstage and that Vince didn’t see Austin as a main event guy. He talked about the Austin 3:16 promo and said he was all for it.

Jake Roberts on Steve Austin



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