Hurricane On TNA Keeping Broken Hardy Gimmick, Jeff Jarrett’s Creativity


Shane Hurricane Helms recently parted ways with Impact Wrestling and then they became Global Force Wrestling. If you’re confused by what has been happening in the former Dixie Carter Land, then you’re not alone. Just imagine what it is like working there.

Hurricane recently spoke to The Sheet Podcast where he was quite candid about a lot of issues. He spoke about his opinions on Jeff Jarrett and GFW holding on to the Hardy Boyz’ “Broken Hardy” gimmick.

“That’s exactly what it is, and I know firsthand that Matt and them does a lot of the production of some of those events that came out of their pocket. Creatively, especially in the initial launch, it was a hundred percent Matt. Jeff started helping, and of course Jeremy Borash helped them with his part of it. People that got involved, we all chipped in a little bit. I was making airport runs to go pick up talent. I booked Hornswoggle for the thing. I facilitated his booking. That’s not my job to do, I don’t get paid to do that. But I was doing it to help out. There were so many people that were chiming in because Impact didn’t have the money and the financial backing to do it so we all chipped in. So there’s a lot of really personal pride that’s attached to this. And Anthem had shit to do with it. And Jarrett, Jarrett don’t have a creative bone in his damn body.”

He also went on to discuss some of the events surrounding Jeff Jarret’s first creative idea in Impact. Double J wanted to “Make Impact Great Again” and it looks like he’s still trying.

“His first creative idea in Impact, to ‘Make Impact Great Again,’ was literally to steal a slogan from Donald Trump. That was his first creative idea. The first one (while) he was there. And I was like, ‘Well number one that’s not creative at all. Number two, do you realize half the country hates this guy?’ And that’s why they took off the ‘Again’ part to say ‘Make Impact Great.’ Okay, we’ll change it up a little bit and nobody will know the difference. But that was literally his first creative idea was to steal somebody else’s slogan.”

Credit for quotes goes to The Sheet Podcast


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