Hurricane Matthew Causes TNA Impact Tapings To Be Rescheduled


TNA has announced that this week’s Impact tapings have been rescheduled due to Hurricane Matthew. You can get the official details below.

The Stars of Impact Wrestling are currently in Orlando, FL for scheduled Television Tapings at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. Hurricane warnings have been issued for Florida and the Orlando region. Impact and Universal, as a precautionary measure, have made the decision to adjust our taping schedule.

Saturday October 8th 2016, IMPACT Wrestling will feature an evening show starting at 6 PM EST. The doors will open at 5PM EST.

On Sunday, October 9th 2016, we will have two shows, a matinee and an evening session. The matinee starts at 1 PM EST with doors at 12 PM EST, and the evening show will begin at 7 PM EST with doors opening at 6 PM EST.

Don’t miss your chance to see your favorite Impact Wrestlers and Knockouts LIVE at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. See Broken Matt and Brother Nero, EC3, Gail Kim, Brandi Rhodes, Eddie Edwards and more! Saturday and Sunday!


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