Hulk Hogan On If He Wanted WCW To Put WWE Out Of Business


For The Win has an interview with Hulk Hogan, who was promoting the new Monday Night Wars series on the WWE Network. Here are a few highlights:

If he thought WCW would win the Monday Night Wars and WWE might disappear:

“I was praying to God that wouldn’t happen. I prayed to God that we would become the No. 1 wrestling show, and that WWE would thrive and stay the monster that they were. WCW might become a little bit [of a] bigger monster. I never wanted anybody to go away. I wanted two different companies so talent could have a choice where they could work and make big, big money.”

If there was a moment when he realized that WWE took control during the Monday Night Wars:

“No, I just know that internally [in the WCW] things just started to fall apart. People got overconfident. I wasn’t [always] there…. When I was there every Monday, I had a really good feel for the direction and what [then WCW executive vice president] Eric [Bischoff] was doing, what the writers were doing. We got to the point where, I wasn’t part-time but I was there like every other Monday, and when I’d come back from being away for a week it was almost like the lunatics were running the asylum. The whole thing changed. There was a bunch of chiefs, and there should have been just one chief. I kind of saw things starting to lose direction.”

If he could book a match between any two wrestlers, past and present, who it would be:

“I’d be wrestling one guy, one more time. It’d be Andre the Giant….. If you’re talking about present, the match everybody missed that we owe everybody is Stone Cold and Hogan. The match I would like to have would be against Cena. It depends on how you look at this thing, there’s a lot of interesting stuff that could happen.”


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