Heath Slater was a WWE veteran, but recently the company let him go due to coronavirus related budget cuts.

Slater had a long run with the company which saw him become a tag team champion, and he also managed to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

But Heath spent most of his time working lower on the card, and he didn’t come anywhere near main event status. During a recent appearance on Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia the former WWE star explained that he didn’t see himself as a world champion during his time with the company.

“Hell no. I was there for a decade, a whole decade like this [lower card]. Faction here, faction there. Man, I was in so many daggone factions, too. I was always that little puzzle piece in the group. I didn’t see myself as the champ. Why? Mentally, I wasn’t there. Wasn’t there, period. 100%, that’s a fact … I wasn’t mentally ready. I wasn’t even physically ready. I gave up in the gym too, and that’s a fact.

Why do you think I was wearing the tank top, you know, coming to the ring? I wear my shirt, you know. I wasn’t really ‘promoting’ it, it was, ‘My goodness, I’m like, hanging over a little bit right here. I don’t know if I should put on my spandex,’ you know? But no, hell no.”

It’s not clear at this point in time where Heath Slater will be going next, but Cody Rhodes recently said that AEW won’t be signing him.

H/T 411Mania.com