john cena

For many years John Cena was the face of WWE, and while he was dominating WWE programming there were a number of fans calling for the former champion to turn heel.

WWE didn’t pull the trigger on a possible heel turn for John Cena, but former WWE writer Brian Gewirtz noted during an episode of The Masked Man Show that the idea was considered.

However, Gewirtz also noted that John Cena was making a ton of money for WWE while working as a face.

“When it came to Roman [Reigns], the model was John [Cena], right? Because there were plenty of times when the writers would come in and be like, ‘Can we just turn John heel?’ With the, ‘Let’s go Cena, Cena sucks. Can we do it? Can we pull the trigger?’ And it was something Vince [McMahon] never wanted to do. He considered it, he always considers all ideas but ultimately he didn’t wanna do it and I think in the end he was like, to put it bluntly he was like, ‘Thank God I didn’t listen to you,’ as far as turning John heel because John was the standard-bearer and made a ton of money for the company and Make-A-Wish and merchandise and everything, you know?”

Do you think WWE should have turned John Cena heel? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Post Wrestling