Former WWE Women’s Champion Says She Wants To Join Impact Wrestling

impact wrestling

With WWE Evolution just a few weeks away, there’s been a lot of talk about which former WWE Superstars could be showing up at the event.

You never know who might show up at Evolution, but in the meantime a former WWE Women’s Champion has her eyes on Impact Wrestling.

Jazz was the guest on the latest episode of Women’s Wrestling Weekly, and she said that she would like to work with Impact because it reminds her of ECW.

“If there is a company I would like to be a part of, it would be Impact. Because it’s a smaller company, there are not 100 girls in the back fighting for a spot and it seems like they are more family oriented. It reminds me of ECW. It’s not a billion dollar company but everyone there is happy and seems to love their job and love working with one another. Teamwork makes the dream work.”

Do you think Jazz would be a good fit for Impact? Sound off in the comments below.



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