
Last week MJF teased a mystery opponent for Wardlow on Dynamite, and during this week’s show it was revealed to be none other than W. Morrissey, formerly known as Big Cass in WWE. As he was introduced the commentators acknowledged that W. Morrissey is currently an Impact Wrestling star.

Morrissey got quite the reaction from the fans as he faced off against Wardlow. During the match some of the fans chanted “we want Enzo” while other fans chanted, “no we don’t!”

Unfortunately for W. Morrissey he lost his AEW debut when Wardlow hit him with a moonsault off the top rope followed by a powerbomb for the big win.

After the match Wardlow attacked MJF’s security then told MJF that he’s not going to stop until he’s released from his contract. MJF then said that he and MJF will meet for a contract signing to set up a match next week in Long Island.