
There’s been a lot of movement in the wrestling world over the last few months as a number of AEW contracts have expired. Matt Hardy parted ways with All Elite Wrestling after his deal with the company expired, and now everyone is waiting to see what the future holds for a potential Hardys reunion outside of AEW.

During a recent episode of his Extreme Life of Matt Hardy podcast Matt said that Jeff Hardy is cleared for in ring competition, and his current deal with AEW is set to expire in June.

“I mean, he’s been cleared. He’s just sitting at home waiting on the call,” Matt said. “Unlike me, he’s not someone who really gets out and makes things happen — he just kind of waits on someone to call him.

He’s sitting at home just waiting on that phone call, jumping on the trampoline up and down with the dumbbells. But, yeah, he’s got until like mid-June or so, I think. And then his deal’s up. So I guess we’ll see if he ends up re-signing or not re-signing. Who knows?”

Matt also noted that Jeff is hoping to end his career on a high note when he added, “He’s very happy to be home. But I do know it’s important to him too, to finish up his career, and our run, on a high note. I know that is something that he wants to do. So it’s going to be interesting to see what happens.”

Do you think Jeff Hardy should sign a new AEW contract? Sound off in the comments below.