Former WWE Champion Was Allegedly “High As A Kite” While Planning Matches


There are a lot of different personalities in the world of professional wrestling and it seems that everyone has their own process when it comes to putting matches together. Kurt Angle has wrestled some of the biggest names of all time and he faced off against Rob Van Dam in both WWE and Impact Wrestling.

During a recent episode of The Kurt Angle Show the Hall of Famer reflected on what it was like to work with Rob Van Dam, and he claimed that RVD would smoke marijuana before coming up with ideas for matches.

“Well, this is what Rob did. You go to Rob and say, ‘Hey Rob we have a match tonight’. He’d say, ‘Okay. Give me five minutes’. He would go outside and smoke for five minutes, get high as a kite, and then come back in and he was full of ideas. It’s like beforehand he had nothing to give, but he went out there and smoked outside… he had like million ideas. It was just incredible. So Rob was better high that he was sober.”

Kurt Angle also praised Rob Van Dam’s mic skills while calling him underrated when he said, “He is very underrated from a promo standpoint. He’s articulate, he does it in his own way like whole, ‘Hey dude, I don’t really care dude.’ But he’s actually surprisingly good at that. I would have loved to have a program, a long program with him. That would’ve been my favorite program I think.”

Rob Van Dam is one wrestler who is often associated with marijuana, but he recently cleared up some misconceptions about his marijuana usage on social media and you can get more that here.

Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam: Hardcore Championship Match - Raw, Sept. 10, 2001

H/T Essentially Sports