Former WCW World Champion David Arquette Returning To Wrestling

david arquette

David Arquette was one of the stars of “Ready to Rumble” and his involvement with the film led to him becoming WCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Arquette’s title win was heavily criticized within the wrestling community, but regardless of how you feel about his title run there’s no denying that the man loves professional wrestling.

The former World Champion recently appeared on the Wendy Williams show, and he said that he’s been working out and getting into shape, then he announced that he will be returning to pro wrestling.

David also talked about his title win and said that he’s been getting trolled on the internet by wrestling fans for 18 years, and joked that he wants to bring some respect back to his name.

He said that fans blame him for ruining WCW, and then he laughed and joked that he probably had something to do with it.

According to Arquette, he’s been training with jiu-jitsu champion Rigan Machado, Ricky Quill and Paul Avalon.

He said that he’s getting in shape, but he didn’t confirm when he plans to return to the ring.

You can check out the full video below. The pro wrestling talk starts at the 2:30 mark.


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