Former TNA Announcer Talks About Jeff Jarrett’s New Promotion


Former TNA Announcer Todd Keneley recently spoke to The Shoot podcast. You can read some highlights below:

TNA’s using cheap finishes in World Title matches:“On PPV in a world title match people deserve a clean finish especially when you look at recent history. You went through an entire reign of Aces & Eights with Bully Ray as a world champion. There you know you’re going to have interference, you know you’re going to have screwy finishes. Then AJ wins the title but now you’ve got Dixie hellbent on getting rid of AJ, so you’re going to throw absolutely everything but the kitchen sink at AJ to get the title off of him and on to Magnus. Now you’ve got this handpicked company champion doing Dixie’s bidding so you know during that run it’s going to be squirrely.”

“But i’m hoping that it’s going to play into the whole MVP storyline and getting back to pure wrestling that he will make make Magnus put his money where his mouth is and defend the title on a regular basis and do it the right way. If it plays off that way then it makes MVP’s position and role that much more important because we’ve been through this for so long. Now if it doesn’t and this continues then yeah i’d say at some point you’ve gotta jump off that train. But we’ll see.”

On Jeff Jarrett’s new project: “I think people are interested, and he has kept pretty closely guarded. I think it’s good that Jeff has expressed that he is looking at the fans perspective and what they want to see. He’s got his clues here and there, but then he’s been out there traveling, going around the country scouting talent. I think it’s cool that step by step we’re learning a little more, now of course he’s announced his first real size able announcement. I’d be very anxious to see what he has to say the day after WrestleMania.”

Thoughts on if Jeff’s new project needs a TV deal immediately: “If you look at Jeff’s history, he found a way when he launched TNA in terms of doing the weekly PPVs. With WWE doing the network the business has really changed. There might be some more availability in the PPV market if you do it correctly. I think in a fans perspective and just about anyone’s perspective whether it’s necessary or not, TV obviously seems to be a very important part of the ball game. Just for perception i think it would certainly help.”

“If it is CMT i think wrestling would be right at home there especially if Toby Keith is involved. Jeff has found ways to work around having a traditional TV distribution deal in the past. With this i think he’s biding his time, i don’t think he’s rushing anything here. I think he’s going to have all of his ducks in a row before he launches. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had TV all tied up.”


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