Former Knockouts Champion Hospitalized During Impact Tapings

impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling recently returned to Orlando, Florida, to tape several weeks of television, and unfortunately a few stars had to be hospitalized.

Former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards had to take a trip to the hospital after a spot involving a baseball bat went wrong, and former Knockouts Champion Sienna recently revealed that she had to go to the hospital as well.

Sienna recently revealed on Twitter that she went to the hospital during the Impact tapings because she thought she had a broken rib, but it turned out to be something very different.

The former champion instead found out that she has a blood clot in each lung, and she noted that although she will be making appearances, she won’t be wrestling right now.

It’s unfortunate that she had to take a trip to the hospital at all, but it’s a good thing that the blood clots were discovered.


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