Former Impact Wrestling Champions At WWE Tryouts

impact wrestling

The WWE roster is always expanding, and you never know who might end up signing a deal with the company at this point.

WWE tryouts are being held this week, and the official NXT Instagram account recently posted an Instagram story which shows footage of former Knockouts Champion Chelsea Green, and former Impact Tag Team Champion Robbie E participating in the tryouts.

Chelsea Green previously appeared on WWE programming during Brie Bella’s feud with Stephanie McMahon in 2014 where she claimed to be Daniel Bryan’s physical therapist. She later competed in the 2015 season of Tough Enough.

Green made her Impact Wrestling debut as Laurel Van Ness in 2016, and she parted ways with the company earlier this year. She’s currently dating WWE Superstar Zack Ryder.

Robbie E previously appeared on WWE programming when he worked a match as Rob Eckos on an episode of SmackDown in 2005. He also appeared in a skit with Edge which aired on Raw in 2006.

During his run with Impact between 2010 and 2017, Robbie E managed to capture the TNA TV Title, X-Division Title and Tag Team Titles.

He confirmed in September of 2017 that he had parted ways with the company.


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