all elite wrestling

Over the last few years a number of familiar names have signed with AEW and Bobby Fish made his debut with the company in October of 2021. During his time with the company Bobby Fish reunited with his former Undisputed Era stablemates Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly, but his run with AEW lasted just under a year as it was confirmed in August of 2022 that Fish had parted ways with All Elite Wrestling.

There were a lot of questions following his departure, but Bobby Fish recently explained on Tru Heel Heat Wrestling that he decided to part ways with AEW after the two sides couldn’t agree on a number.

“Really all it came down to with me and AEW was we couldn’t agree on a number going forward. We couldn’t agree on not even a number, we couldn’t agree on numbers so like we’re talking everything that would be in a contract and we tried, you know. And my agent at the time who knows their lawyers, tried, but we just couldn’t come to an agreement.

“And so, you know, I don’t overvalue myself, but I do value myself and I’m not going to be, I’m not going to shortchange myself. So other people can, but I’m not going to devalue myself and that’s kind of where we were so yeah I walked, you know, and that was it. It was amicable, I mean they were like, ‘Okay well yeah we’re not gonna’ and I said, ‘okay I’m not gonna either’ so yeah.”

Since parting ways with All Elite Wrestling in August of 2022, Bobby Fish has worked for other promotions such as Impact Wrestling and NJPW. Do you want to see Bobby Fish return to AEW someday? Sound off in the comments below.